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Detailed Declaration Of Faith In Islam Understanding Iman E Mufassal


Detailed Declaration of Faith in Islam: Understanding Iman e Mufassal

Meaning of WEB Kalima Iman E Mufassil

WEB Kalima Iman E Mufassil translates to "the detailed declaration of faith." It is a comprehensive statement of belief that expands upon the basic declaration of faith known as Iman e Mujmal.

Iman e Mujmal: The Summary Declaration of Faith

WEB Iman e Mujmal is the brief statement of faith that Muslims recite regularly: "I solemnly believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Day of Judgment, and that all good and evil is from Allah."

Iman e Mufassal: The Detailed Declaration of Faith

WEB Iman e Mufassal, on the other hand, is a more detailed elaboration of the basic beliefs. It includes six essential components:

  • Belief in Allah
  • Belief in His angels
  • Belief in His revealed books
  • Belief in His messengers
  • Belief in the Day of Judgment
  • Belief in divine destiny (qadar)

Significance of Iman e Mufassal

Iman e Mufassal is crucial for Muslims because it provides a comprehensive understanding of their faith. It helps them:

  • Strengthen their belief in Allah and His attributes
  • Appreciate the role of angels and prophets in conveying divine guidance
  • Prepare for the Day of Judgment and the consequences of their actions
  • Submit to the will of Allah and accept both good and evil as part of His divine plan

